Tuesday, 13 November 2012

It's Christmassssss

Ok, well not quite but the adverts have hit our screens and the shops are pushing for you to spend a ridiculous amount of money on presents for people already, let alone tempting you to eat all of those delicious chocolates now and replace them some time in the not so distant future to gorge on again. Personally, I'd like to know when Christmas became so over commercialised that we stopped thinking and just started buying mounds of gifts; so this year (ignoring the fact that I'm broke) I decided I'm going to make most of my gifts and make my ornaments. I highly doubt I'll get loads done but what's the harm in trying? When deciding to make my ornaments I went straight to my bible, Pinterest, knowing I'd find a few hundred things to make I narrowed my search down to what I know best, crocheted items. And finally after searching for what seemed like no time at all I found my two focus projects for this Christmas season; stars and snowflakes, cliche I know but they're just so beautiful and intricate I couldn't say no.

Star ornament curtesy of jellywares.blogspot.co.uk

Snowflake ornament curtesy of http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showpost.php?p=2111506&postcount=1

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